
New ETSY feature

Etsy Marketplace has created a new page for all the artist to showcase their stores and give shoppers a little insight into creative force behind the products. It is a nice way to drive home the personal touch that makes buying handmade items directly from the artist more rewarding than big box shopping. Of course, mass production has a place & time, but when you are looking to give a gift or decorate your private sanctuary, it is always more fun when items have a story behind them.
There are countless great artisans on Etsy! If you have never checked it out, I highly suggest you go online for a visit. (My favorite...the oh-so-fun & completely unique vintage clothing & jewelry pieces at awesome prices!!! It must be the artist in me, I have always had the need to wear something that I will not see on another person.)
Here is my page if you would like to stop by. I would love to hear what you think, so please leave any comments if you would care to...

This was the first photo I ever had published. It was only in the local paper, but it was enough to give me the encouragement I needed to continue to pursue my passion in photography.
This was a fun self-portrait on location with one of my favorite models!



Why are there days that insinuate from the very onset that the horizon may hold many challenges. The sun is shining brightly, the birds are singing, it is simply a beautiful day. Yet the air rests heavy upon my shoulders, like an oppressive cloak shielding my eyes from the warm summer glow. I know better than to give in to the cloud. In terms of problems that plague the world, I have nothing about which I can complain. So I forge ahead, tapping into my well of creative whims and make a decision to harness  the emotions. Instead of allowing the haze to envelop me, I channel the nebulous energy into a tangible emotional snapshot in the form of a moody photograph.  
Lonely Arizona



This male swan glided past me with such a resplendent air that I simply had no choice other than to watch in awe of his handsomeness.